Mittwoch 25.10. 19 Uhr
Labor Alltagskultur 1120, Kolonieweg 48
Musik-ethnologischer Vortrag (in englischer Sprache) von Andrew G-J

Andrew lebt derzeit in Klagenfurt, ist zu diesem Termin gerade in Wien zu Gast und lässt uns an seiner super speziellen Radioarbeit teilhaben. Seit den Protesten gegen die Dacota Access Pipeline DAPL 2016 beschäftigt er sich intensiv mit der Musiktradition der First Nations, in Kombination mit Protest und Widerstand.
„Tunes From Turtle Island
Since the Spring of 2018 I’ve been producing and hosting the show Tunes from Turtle Island broadcast by the London arts radio station ResonanceFM on FM digital and live-streamed. Since 2019 the show has been broadcast by Austrian radio stations Radio Agora, Radio Freequenns, Radio Proton and Radio Fro. Radio Onde Furlane in Italy.

As far as I know it is the only European radio show to exclusivity promote Native American, First Nations and the indigenous peoples of North America musicians, bands and sound artists. I play all genres of music from hiphop, rock, jazz and blues through to traditional, country, folk and more and from the first period of recorded sound, right up to the present day. I also include news articles on environmental destruction, social and human rights issues impacting on the indigenous communities. Originally inspired by the Standing Rock protests of 2016/17. Whilst watching videos produced in solidarity with those protests I heard a number of bands and artists that I’d never heard before and decided to delve further into the indigenous music scene of N. America. I found a treasure trove of music (but also a huge amount of info on the most marginalised people of North America). I started to put together a show featuring only indigenous artists from Mexico, America and Canada, and so Tunes From Turtle Island was born.
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